Ethel Bauzer Medeiros

Ethel Bauzer Medeiros, *1924, pedagogue, author and expert on recreational issues, Rio de Janeiro

From 1962-1965, Medeiros belonged to the team of Maria Carlota de Macedo Soares (Lota) (1910-1967), a self-educated urban planner. Bauzer Medeiros designed the program for the recreational facilities and playgrounds in Parque do Flamengo in Rio de Janeiro (Aterro do Flamengo, opend in 1965).
The team consisted of the landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx, the architects Affonso Eduardo Reidy, Jorge Machado Moreira, Sérgio Bernardes, Hélio Mamede, Maria Hanna Siedlikowski, Juan Derlis, Scarpellini Ortega and Carlos Werneck de Carvalho, the botanist Luiz Emygdio de Mello Filho, and the pedagogue Ethel Bauzer Medeiros.

Parque do Flamengo was realized on a landfill of 1 million square meters in the Bay of Guanabara. Only thanks to the dedicated contribution of architect Lota de Macedo Soares significant areas were reserved for leisure and recreation. Lota had to fight massive political defamation and resistance to bring the project to an end.

Von 1962-1965 gehörte Medeiros dem Team von Maria Carlota de Macedo Soares (Lota) an. Sie entwarf das Programm für die Freizeiteinrichtungen und Spielplätzen im Parque do Flamengo in Rio de Janeiro (Aterro do Flamengo, 1965 eröffnet).
Das Team bestand aus dem Landschaftsarchitekten Roberto Burle Marx, dem Architekten Affonso Eduardo Reidy, dem Botaniker Luiz Emygdio de Mello Filho und der Pädagogin Ethel Bauzer Medeiros.

Der Parque do Flamengo wurde auf einer Aufschüttung von 1 Mio Quadratmetern in der Bucht von Guanabara realisiert. Nur dank dem engagierten Beitrag der Architektin Lota de Macedo Soares wurden bedeutende Flächen für Freizeit und Erholung reserviert. Lota musste gegen massive politische Diffamierung und Widerstände ankämpfen, um das Projekt zu einem Ende zu bringen.

Playground and recreation facilities, Parque do Flamengo:

  • Playground do Morro da Viúva by landscape architect Mário Ferreira Sophia:
    Morro da Viúva Pavilion (designed by A.E. Reidy)
    – teatrinho infantil
    – labirinto do Morro da Viúva
  • Puppet and Marionette Theater
    Project designed by architect Carlos Werneck de Carvalho

Carmen L. Oliveira, Rare and commonplace flowers : the story of Elizabeth Bishop and Lota de Macedo Soares, translated by Neil K. Besner. – New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press, 2002.

Ethel Bauzer de Medeiros et al.: Recreation in the Parque do Flamengo, in: Williams, D., et al.: The Rio de Janeio Reader. History, Culture, Politics, Duke University Press, Durham 2016.

Teatro para Brincar (1965), Playground do Morro da Viúva
architect: Mário Ferreira Sophia

Labirinto (1965), Playground do Morro da Viúva
architect: Mário Ferreira Sophia

Labirinto (1965), Playground do Morro da Viúva, Aterro do Flamengo, Rio de Janeiro
Foto: Claudio Macheda
Cidade das Crianças , Aterro do Flamengo, Rio de Janeiro
Foto: Claudio Macheda
Cidade das Crianças
Foto: Claudio Macheda
Cidade das Crianças

Maquetes do Coreto, da Pista de Danças, do Pavilhão do Playground Flamengo (Pavilhão Japonês), do Pavilhão do Playground Morro da Viúva (Brinquedoteca) e do Teatro de Marionetes
Fotos divulgação [Módulo n. 37, 1964]

update June 20, 2020