Arvid Bengtsson

1916-1993, landscape architect, Sweden

1951-1962 Park commissioner Helsingborg,
1962-1979 Park commissioner Göteborg,
Co-founder of the International Playground Associaton (IPA).

Bengtsson studies at Alnarp School of Horticulture in the early 1940s. After the WWII, he traveled to Emdrup and promoted the Scrap playground in Sweden, and other new playground concepts such as play parks as seen in Denmark. He held an intense exchange with other Parks officials interested in playgrounds: Stieg Billing (Helsingborg), Robert Montan (Lund), Sven-Ingvar Andersson (Kunstakademie Kopenhagen).

In 1962, Arvid Bengtsson became the city gardener in Gothenburg. He designed several playgrounds with various opportunities for play and recreation. Construction playgrounds (bygglekplatser) were found, for example, in Flatås and at Svängrumsgatan. (excerpt from: Modernes Göteborg. Kulturell und historisch wertvolle Gebäude Teil III, p. 48)

– Ein Platz für Kinder. Plädoyer für eine kindgemässe Umwelt. Spielanlagen, Tummelplätze, Abenteuerspielplätze, ( Environmental Planning For Children’s Play, London 1970), Bauverlag 1971
– Ein Platz für Robinson , London 1972, Bauverlag 1972
– The Child’s Right to play (IPA 1974)
– Vom Schulhof zum Spielhof: Anregungen zur vielfältigen Nutzung für Spiel, Unterricht und Freizeit, Bauverlag 1978.

Quelle Bilder:
Arvid Bengtsson: Environmental Planning for Children’s Play, Praeger Publishers New York, 1970

erstellt am 21.10.2011, aktualisiert: 27.3.2012; 8.6.2015

Play parks in West Frölunda, Gothenburg

Play park Topasen, Gothenburg, Sweden

Play park Topasen, Gothenburg, Sweden

Play park Spinnetplatsen, Gothenburg, Sweden

Play park Rimfrosten, Gotehnburg, Sweden